Grow Meadville

Grow Meadville is a network of community gardens that promote growing food and bringing together community members of all ages from the Meadville area.

Women's Services Community Garden

Since 1977, Women’s Services has worked to help victims of domestic and sexual violence. Women’s Services believes that every individual has value and has the right: to be safe in mind and body, to live out of harm’s way in affordable housing and to…

MARC Community Garden

The MARC Community Garden engages residents who come to the Meadville Area Recreation Complex for a variety of indoor and outdoor activities.

MAMS-MARC Edible Trail

The Edible Trail is a Community Wellness Initiative Project, and a partnership with the Meadville Area Recreation Complex and Allegheny College. Designed, built, and planted by Allegheny faculty, staff and students, the Trail is an interactive…

City Hall Garden

The City Hall Garden is located behind City Hall and across the street from the Christ Church Garden.

Christ Church Garden

Christ Church Garden is located off the Diamond at the Christ Episcopal Church. The garden is open to the public to take food from it whenever.

Carr Hall Garden

Carr Hall Garden, known as The Carrden by the Allegheny College campus, originated as an idea in a Junior Seminar class in the Environmental Science Department. It is unique to most of the vegetable gardens in Meadville because it serves as both a…